
Quarterback openings

 At least 10 county programs will be starting new quarterbacks this coming fall, five of which went to the postseason last year.
 So, will that alter the strength of balance?
 I think one perennial playoff team could be in trouble this fall, particularly if it's changing its offense with an inexperienced signal caller.
 With no hidden gems at the lower levels, it could be trial by fire for a handful of teams, who could go back to pounding the ball.


NorCalSportsFan said...

So cryptic...which teams have new QBs...in Gab it seems Palma (has D1/FBS prospect returning), Hollister has talented returning starter, Salinas has talented (accurate passer and mobile) and able backup returning to start this year, Alvarez has returner, as does Christopher. Not sure about Monta Vista Christian. Monterey if Aldrete returns as starter as a strong QB. Any news on who will be new HC for the Dors? Are they the team going to the spread?

NorCalSportsFan said...

Sorry Alvarez has new starter...not sure who will be starter.