
Class on the tennis courts

We preach sportsmanship, yet at times we don't always abide by it.
Oh, we try.
But our emotions sometimes get the best of us. We're humans.
However, never was sportsmanship more showcased than on Wednesday's Monterey Bay League singles and doubles tennis finals.
 Keep in mind that tennis is a sport that polices itself. Meaning the players are also the officials.
 There is no line judge to call a ball out or in.
 It would be easy for a teenager to question a call from his opponent. Tempers can flair.
 Never happened when York School's Josh Pompan battled Palma's Randy Cory. About the only thing that was said during the match was 'good job or great shot.'
 The same can be said in the doubles finals where Monterey's Robert Hernandez and Joseph Quario battled San Benito's Andrew Danger and Nick Trillo.
 Respect is important in sports. Nothing but class was exhibited on the courts.

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