
Other girls sports for 2012-13

 Rachelle Proa of Salinas winning the CCS wrestling title at 126 pounds, finishing seventh overall at the state championships.
 Monterey's Collene Mayone and Shannon Cry combining for 170 goals and 219 steals in water polo.
 Kelly Smith scoring 27 goals on just 53 shots, leading Stevenson to a share of the MTAL title with Santa Catalina.
 North Salinas running off with the field hockey title.
 Jada Evers winning her third straight league singles tennis title for Monterey.
 Santa Catalina's Chloe Corriveau finishing eighth overall at the CCS golf championships.
 Lizzy Tardieu and Lucy Scattini juggling volleyball and cross country, helping the Cougars cross country team to a league and CCS team title.

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