Not only has Carmel won five league championships in team sports this year, but it has taken home nine MVP awards.
Devin Pearson was the Most Valuable Player in football and basketball. Kodiak Sauer won an MTAL and CCS wrestling title at 182 pounds.
Sarah Anderson was the MTAL Player of the Year in girls basketball, and Jordan Ataide was the Most Valuable Player in soccer.
Camille Herhusky won the MTAL cross country title. Kaylan Griffith won the MTAL Singles title in tennis while freshman Megan Scannell and Ursi Eisnger won the MTAL doubles title.
A sound argument for joining the equity league.
I agree.
I don't know if moving up to a higher level of competition is in Carmel's DNA. A chance to do this every year is through the scheduling of non-league competition. Looking through the schedules of their various sports, there are not many high level teams scheduled.
I tend to believe if the school was really about playing and beating the best . . . They'd be scheduling the best and seeing how they stack up. That's the sign of real competitive programs and a sure fire way of getting better.
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