
Football rankings

Top 10
1. Palma: This defense has yet to allow a point in the third quarter.
2. Carmel: Ahead of last year's record-setting scoring pace.
3. Seaside: More designed runs for Ronald Saxton could be implemented.
4. Salinas: I'm not sure a bye is what you want when you're playing your best football.
5. Monterey: Owns the second longest winning streak in the area.
6. San Benito: One more win puts the Balers in the playoffs.
7. North County: Don't get off that Condor bandwagon just yet.
8. Alvarez: Winning two of its final three games catapults them into the postseason.
9. Monte Vista: Two turnovers in the red zone knocked them from the undefeated ranks.
10. Greenfield: Will lock up a playoff spot by winning two of its final three.

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